Availability / Booking


Before making a booking enquiry, please check the availability on the occupancy calendar. In the box marked ‘3 Monate’, you can extend the calendar to an overview of up to 24 months (24 Monaten). Select the number of months (Monaten) and confirm with ‘anziegen’.


To make your booking demand please contact us directly by email or phone:

T +34 648 11 89 50
T +34 606 77 96 45

We speak: German · Dutch · Spanish · English

We need this information from you

  • the name and address of the person, who will book the apartment(s) and who will receive the bill. This person is by contract responsible for all other mentioned guests and responsible for the financial settlement of the rent.
  • telephone-number
  • email address
  • precise flying date, time of arrival and departure, airline and flight number
  • the number of adult accompanies (indicate: given name, surname and birth date)
  • the number of travelling children and their age (indicate: given name, surname and birth date)
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